Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is in your midst. A victorious warrior. He will be quiet in His love. He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. Zeph. 3:17

Sunday, September 25, 2011


As I continue on this journey of coming to the realization that I am more than good enough, God continues to bring peace and revelation.  I am so thankful for the obedience of those who prophesied and leading me to break that yoke that was upon me. I am so in love with the feeling that freedom brings.  I just thought that my shoulders and neck were just always tired and tight because I am on the go.  But to come to find out that I have been carrying a yoke on me for years that should never have been there in the first place.  Like the picture above ~ the oxen are different colors ~ but once they come to know


That Christ's yoke is easy and His burden is light, we become like Him ~ (picture below)

Freedom reigns in this place....

What great joy and lightness freedom brings.  I will sing and I will dance and I will celebrate the freedom that life in Christ brings to my soul. He is a mighty warrior and we are part of the army of God. 

You do not need to live in bondage.  It is not healthy physically, mentally and/or emotionally.  I didn't know what was weighing me down.  I just thought that was how I was...always doing more to just fit in, to please someone, to not look like a failure.  Well, not any more...I declare that I will live my life Christ focused and when I do that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.   He tells me that I am more than good enough.   My lover is wooing me to come sit with Him and taste His sweet tea.  It is time to put all things aside and just sit.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Wow!  Summer is over and school has begun however the kids have had off school for 3 days thus far due to the flood that hit our area.  Until the water is safe and electricity is switched back, they will remain home.  We did not have any flooding in our home but those all around were effected.

Just brings me to think of Noah.  We had several days of rain and the destruction that occurred, he had 40 days of rain and that destruction.   The expectancy that Noah and his family had when the rain stopped...what was it?  Then to open the door to the ark and see nothing but water.  The uncertainty of what was going to happen next.  Noah knew and held on to the promise that God spoke, 'I have placed a rainbow in the sky to remind you that I will not bring this kind of destruction again' (my paraphrase)  He knew that his destiny was in the palm of Papa.

This week is the prophetic presbytery for the 3rd year School of Ministry Students.  I have great expectancy of what God is going to speak into my life on Thursday.  I am excited about the new antennae that He is fine tuning in me. 

How great is your expectancy?  Are you ready to see Papa fulfill your destiny?  Take you around the bend?  You are in the palm of His hand, be ready and expectant!