Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is in your midst. A victorious warrior. He will be quiet in His love. He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. Zeph. 3:17

Sunday, May 8, 2011

He is there

This past Thursday I was honored to be able to share my heart for a few minutes. This was my graduation day at MOPS, next year I will have all elementary age children. WOO-HOO!!!! Betcha couldn't tell that I am excited. I am so done with the preschool age children. When you have your children close together 14 and 17 months about, those preschool years just seem to go on and on.

Here is the message that I spoke to the ladies after a wonderfully talented friend Eileen painted. She painted to Paint Your Picture by Julie Meyer. The end result of the picture: the Hands of God forming a baby and the piece is entitles "You are My Masterpiece."

Psalm 139:10- "Even there Your hand will lead me. And your right hand will lay hold of me." (NLT)
~God has taken you like a piece of clay and formed YOU ~ into YOU ~ He has signed His name. He is your Master Potter. His hand leads you everyday from 2am feedings, diaper changes, trials of potty training, the flat out NO! tantrums. He is there through the joys of all the firsts - smile, word, steps, day of preschool and so forth. God is with you in every step.
He is there when you feel the loneliest - like when your world is falling apart. Your social life goes from being out with friends on a regular basis to 'When will I ever see the outside of this house other than the grocery store.?!?' When you stop workng to stay home with your child. When you step down from ministry - or barely even able to get to church. God is there. He has seen your circumstances and given you the grace to walk through this journey of motherhood.
He is waiting with arms wide open for you to just say "I GIVE UP!!!!" Papa is ready to take you in His arms and hold you close. We all have our struggles but remember to see God in the little things. He wants to hear all about your day. He wants to share His heart with you. He wants to show you the masterpiece He carefully created.

What story is the Master Potter revealing to you?

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