This is a long overdue post. God has been doing amazing things in our lives. Let me start back in December of 2011. Abraham was injured at work and was denied workers comp. He is the sole provider of our family. What do we do? We lean on the ultimate provider...God!
From December til June, we were able to pay our rent, car payment and food for our family with the help of those around us and most of God's provision. These things I am grateful for but there is something else that tops all of that.
In January, God began to peel away the layers in Abraham's heart and He began to become real to Abraham. Abraham had become dependent on vicodin and alcohol over the previous months. The alcohol was even longer. Now, he was a sleepy drunk so I wished for some nights was that he would just go to sleep. There were times when it was bad and I just couldn't take it anymore, I would cry out to God to do something, even that he wouldn't wake up the next day. I really truly didnt want the latter but out of desperation it was the feeling at the time.
I had a group of prayer warriors praying for him and for our family. I knew that my God would never fail me. I knew that Higher than the mountains that I face...this one thing remains...Your love never fails, never gives up never runs out on me...
Abraham searched out a place to go for outpatient rehab. He was led to the Naaman Center about 4 miles from our house. He went the first day...they prayed with him and over him...God began to flood him with dreams and visions. He began to read the Bible and pray everyday. he asked that we start doing devotions as a family. On some occasions he would ask that him and i take time to pray with each other.
I had to keep pinching myself to be sure I was awake. This was a SUDDENLY of God. I could not do it, I could not change him. The only thing that I could do was to prayer and intercede for my husband and my family. We became members of our church and he began serving in different areas of ministry in the church.
It is such a wonderful thing when you are both on the page so to speak when it comes to serving the Lord. I could tell you more about amazing things that have occurred in the journey since December but Abraham is doing great! He is in a new job that has him home more and we have moved to a home that is near our church and 2 minutes from his job. God is amazing and He has our destiny planned out. All we need to do it TRUST, STEP and GO!!!