I was fine with it at first but then the doubt began to set in and the bad self talk. The questions Why God? What's the purpose and what is my purpose? Am I not good enough?
Yes, I wanted to stand there and try and open the closed door. We just were praying the night before at life group, why didn't those prayers stop the letter? The answer...God wasn't in it. We can get so caught up in the moment, in the self pity, the oh why me and not take notice to where He is leading. God does everything with purpose. Maybe the purpose of the first interview was to give me confidence for the next opportunity, maybe it was to be a beacon of His light amongst the darkness, to shine His light for others to see, whatever the purpose it was the right plan.
I may still feel bummed but I know that my God is greater and He does great things for those who love Him. If you have experienced an open and closed door, look around for the door that He is opening. God has your best in mind. He is working on blessing you beyond your wildest dreams. What will you choose...trying to open a closed door or keep your eyes fixed on Him and the next open door?